OSL Results....Thermodisappointmence?
From: *Tammy Rittenour* <tammy.rittenour@usu.edu<mailto:>tammy.rittenour@usu.<wbr>edu>>
Date: Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 3:03 PM
Subject: RE: Owyhee OSL?
</mailto:>To: Kyle House <pkhouse@gmail.com <mailto:>pkhouse@gmail.com>></mailto:>
Kyle-Ive attached the preliminary results from your Owyhee River samples.
They are about 75% complete at this moment. I am working on sending
them in for further processing because of some initial feldspar
contamination, but you should have the final results by the end of the
month.The samples are all ~22-23ka, if they were taken from the same deposit,</mailto:>
<mailto:>then OSL seems to be working quite well.Errors on the ages will go down when they are completed, but I dont
expect them to change much at all.Good luck in the field,Tammy</mailto:>
Note the large elevation range of the three sample areas*. Each sample is denoted by a yellow circle (excpet the highest circle, that is a gravel deposit that wasn't sampled). We are still awaiting an identification of an obvious tephra bed that was sampled below the lowest OSL sample. Sent that (and all others) to WSU in early August....USGS has been sitting on it for over a year. If that comes back with a confident ID, then we will have some additional perspective on the OSL data. Any thoughts? Break down and add to the blog....*I have wondered aloud on numerous occassions about the lowest one...possibly related to landslide dam? Its elevation is pretty low relative to the sublava paleochannel of Ryegrass Creek. The paleotopography implied by this (if related to West Crater) is pretty deep.
Topo Profiles in Study Area
Dave's landslide blog: The Yigong Rock Avalanche, Tibet
Compelling evidence for lava-dam failure in Grand Canyon
- Lava flow on river gravel; no evidence for water interaction other than flowing down the channel.
- Flagrant flow morphology characterized by relatively thin colonnade (with very fat columns in the example below) overlain by considerably thicker entablature.
- Coarse-grained, complex fluvial deposit containing abundant reworked lava and hyaloclastite material.
Here is a 'Grand' example from mile 192:
What might be going on here? Well, following some discussion with Ryan Crow and some reading about entablature formation that he recommended, I think that this assemblage permits the following interpretation:
- Lava flow enters canyon and blocks river, allowing flow to continue unimpeded downstream (lava on gravel with no evidence for lava-water interaction)
- Clear water begins to pass over or through the dam (or both) and greatly accelerates cooling of the lava (induces the elaborate and thick entablature structure)
- Dam eventually (soon) fails catastrophically and coarse gravel is deposited on the lava flow that now forms the bed of the river.
Here are some other articles of interest (from a longer list compiled in 5 minutes using Zotero)
Grossenbacher, K. A., and S. M. McDuffie. “Conductive cooling of lava: columnar joint diameter and stria width as functions of cooling rate and thermal gradient.” Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 69, no. 1-2 (1995): 95-103.<o:p></o:p>
Long, P. E., and B. J. Wood. “Structures, textures, and cooling histories of Columbia River Basalt flows.” Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 97, no. 9 (1986): 1144-1155.<o:p></o:p>
Lyle, P. The eruption environment of multi-tiered columnar basalt lava flows. Vol. 157. Geological Soc London, 2000.<o:p></o:p>
Walker, G. P. L. “Basaltic-volcano systems.” Geological Society London Special Publications 76, no. 1 (1993): 3.
GC vs Owyhee
1. Volume of lava vs. volume of water
2. Mode of entry: canyon rim cascade vs. tributary valley route
3. Severity of topography (vertical and lateral trajectory of lava incursion)
4. Proximity of volcanic vent to the canyon; abundance of pyroclastic material.
This is fabulous! I look forward to hearing more about these items and your other GC observations.
Best Owyhee example of lava dam features
SHRIMP in the Owyhee?? Fire up the barbee mate!
Miocene to Holocene landscape evolution of the western Snake River Plain region, Idaho: Using the SHRIMP detrital zircon provenance record to track eastward migration of the Yellowstone hotspot |
Geological Society of America Bulletin Volume 118, Issue 9 (September 2006) pp. 1027–1050 DOI: 10.1130/B25896.1 |
-SpudP.S. Dr. Jerque: I think we are on the same page about the Rytuba and Vander Meulen work. I did overstate its relevance in reference to the Now Voluminous (Once Dreaded) Rim Gravels but refer to it merely in the context that it provides evidence of a long-occurring interaction between volcanism, the fluvial system, and expansive sedimentation in the region. I wonder if it is even relevant to the latest question because "The inital influx of major fluvial systems into the volcanic field after about 14.5 Ma is reflected...."(see abstract)?
How old is the Owyhee?
Bogus Rim flow and underlying flows fill a surprisingly deep paleovalley that runs along the alignment of the modern canyon below iron point. Gravels are present at the base of the sequence in a few places (including possibly in the Owyhee Breaks area) and there are erosional intervals preserved between some of the flows. Not sure how well constrained the ages of the lowest flow (the 'lower Bogus lavas') are, but somewhere between 5 and 8 comes to mind (without looking anything up). There was a river flowing north before the Bogus lavas were emplaced. This river created the paleotopography in the Grassy Mountain Rhyolite and sediments before the first big barf of basalt flowed north. Based on the thickness of the Bogus Lavas in the Rinehart Canyon area, there were some deeply incised tributaries flowing into the river.In terms of field evidence, the biggest influx of gravel occurs in conjunction with the end of the damming event caused by the Bogus Rim flow. I believe that evidence is mounting that a very large lake occupied the area upstream of where the Bogus Rim flow would have created a dam somewhere near Iron Point. Thus, the pre Bogus Rim river was probably a nearly full blown Owyhee. Possibly the full blown river developed in conjunction with surmounting the Bogus Rim dam? That should have been sometime after about 1.8 Ma. I recently collected a tephra from the lake sediments that I postulate were deposited into a Bogus Rim dammed lake. Dating that may be of some value.
Here is the geochronology from our area as reported by Ninad Bondre:
Some thoughts:
Despite the geochronology, I am thinking that the Owyhee Butte lava must predate the Bogus Bench lava. Field relations suggest that the gravel that pervasively overlies the Owyhee Butte lava is related to damming of the Owyhee River by the Bogus Bench (Rim) lava. I have not seen any gravel below the Owyhee Butte lava (forms the Artillery Rim), but Liz and I noted in July that there are hyaloclastite units in the upper parts of this package. Note also that the Bogus Bench (Rim...Brim?) lava has no gravel on top until you get a few km downstream from Iron Point. There, you find a 5-8 m thick deposit of locally derived, but rounded gravels. (I have shown pictures of this before in a previous post, but may add them again soon for emphasis). We know from multiple locations that the Bogus Rim lava flowed down a channel of the Owyhee River and overlies rounded gravel in various places. The local gravel pile likely relates to decommissioning of the dam.
What's up with upper-tier landslides?
There are lots of examples of upper-tier sliding along the river. Possibly the most impressive is right across from Iron Point. In that case, the failing area is pinned on rhyolite. There are several landslides in this general reach that sole-out on rhyolite. Not sure whether they occurred when the river was at the level or if they freaking cascading over the rhyolite into the river. Probably the former since the latter sounds so cool.
There are many examples where the upper-tier sliding seems to be associated with an underlying LWID (like a lava delta) or otherwise incompetent unit (like a lens of mud). In some places, the lava deltas are obviously linked to massive landlsiding; in others, they support massive cliffs. Maybe when you peel away the top, they lead to massive landslides. Probably not that simple. Any thoughts? Anyone?
Shockingly Voluminous (Once Dreaded) Rim Gravel, redux
In the context of our studies, this part of the record is only a glimpse into an ancient precursor drainage system. In fact, I think that a fair amount of the SV(OD)RG in our study area is related to lava damming events in the latest(?) Miocene and into the Pliocene (i.e. the Bogus Rim).Thus, is is possible that the SV(OD)RG represent blockage of an integrated / partially integrated Owyhee. Recall that the base of the Bogus lava sits on river gravel in various places between Iron Point and Birch Creek. I suspect it was the blockage of this system in the early Pliocene to late Miocene(?) that deposited the gravels that form a flat surface at 3900'. Subsequent and possibly sporadic incision through the gravel cover after the breach formed several discernible levels of gravel. This is directly analogous to the distribution of the much less widespread and voluminous gravels above the Quaternary blockages. It is that latter point that really pulls me in. Any counter arguments? Anyone?In the figure below, I have pointed out some features of the gravel. I have approximated its MINIMUM extent using the snow-like pattern. Have also noted the problem with the Ice Axe as Bogus Rim (stay tuned for explanatory post on that one). This is a crude mock-up. A more formal figure will be forthcoming with lots of elevation data...(just got me a Trimble XH...arrived today!).