GC vs Owyhee

Dr. Jerque,

In a rare moment of 9-5 nonbillable geology work I submit:

The four observations you list (added below in italics) as some of the differences between the Owyhee and GC intra-canyon lava dams are some of the exact same ones I note in the manuscript that is collecting dust on my desk at home.
1. Volume of lava vs. volume of water
2. Mode of entry: canyon rim cascade vs. tributary valley route

3. Severity of topography (vertical and lateral trajectory of lava incursion)

4. Proximity of volcanic vent to the canyon; abundance of pyroclastic material.
This is fabulous! I look forward to hearing more about these items and your other GC observations.

SHRIMP in the Owyhee?? Fire up the barbee mate!

Dear Dr. Froude et al.:

I concur with Dr. Jerque. He refers to a plethora of field evidence that adds detail to the story presented in Ninad's work. I'd like to add that you may want to check out a paper from the Idaho State crowd of Beranek, Link, and Fanning (see below). This paper came out some time back and offers a few possible numbers for ages of big picture events in the region. If I recall correctly, the most Owyhee-relevant discussion items are based on only a few data points compared to other drainages studied and could be strengthened by additional analyses. Nontheless, it is pretty darn interesting to this spud farmer trapped in the concrete jungle.


P.S. Dr. Jerque: I think we are on the same page about the Rytuba and Vander Meulen work. I did overstate its relevance in reference to the Now Voluminous (Once Dreaded) Rim Gravels but refer to it merely in the context that it provides evidence of a long-occurring interaction between volcanism, the fluvial system, and expansive sedimentation in the region. I wonder if it is even relevant to the latest question because "The inital influx of major fluvial systems into the volcanic field after about 14.5 Ma is reflected...."(see abstract)?