The Owyhee Map...the end is near...
Over the course of the last 4 years, I have been working on many geologic maps in many different locations. The map of the Owyhee River has been a special challenge. Complicated, remote, spectacular, etc. Now the funding stream has stopped. I have nearly finished the map. It has seen so many permutations (top image from December 2008; middle from June, 2009, bottom from today). The current draft example is not the most aesthetically pleasing version, but it is the most complete. Now, I need to figure out the best way to cram it into a 'conventional' publishable mode. However, the map, its design, its base data, and its compilation defy convention on several levels. Recently, I have gained many insights on severe problems with the conventional mode of map publication...they involve time, money, and anachronisitc expectations. Now, on to subverting all of that. Wish me luck.