West Crater and Saddle Butte lava faceoff at Ryegrass Creek
This upstream-looking 3-D block rendition of the Ryegrass Creek area on the Owyhee is intriguing. The color ramp works well here because the strata are flat-lying. Note the boulder-covered and very flat surface below the Qbsy and above Ryegrass Creek...I suspect it relates to the pre-Saddle Butte lava Owyhee or Ryegrass Ck channel in some way, but I have never actually stood on it. Also, look at the morphology of the eastern edge of the Qbsy where the lacustrine seds sit...distinct linear trace there was map as fault by Ferns et al., but isn't it just the contact between the paleovalley wall and the lava? What about that abrupt wall in the Qbsy flow just beyond there? Looks like it is heading down a narrow valley.