At the Bend get-together, Cooper and I noted that there may be some Clarks Butte lava (Qbc; was AM-PM) outcrops in the Bogus Point-Dogleg Bar area. One is the prominent tabular feature just off of Bogus Point. The other we noted that day was a degraded pressure ridge near Bogus Creek Ranch. After looking at the photos in detail, I have found a few other features that have morphologies inconsistent with the freshness of the Qbw. Some have planar morphology similar to the blob off of Bogus Point and appear to be girdled with Qbw. There are also some weird pothole like features on some of them. Not certain about the Qbc correlation, of course, but these are viable candidates and worth a look.
The image is a slightly stretched part of the county mosaic from the NAIP data.