Ar-Ar Geochron Table

Sample Location Total Gas Plateau
OWY-12 Lower Saddle Butte 452.8 ± 94.1 173.0 ± 144.8
OWY-13 Upper Saddle Butte 8.31 ± 0.62 Ma 7.03 ± 1.00
OWY-22 Upper West Crater 69.86 ± 19.15 37.60 ± 21.01
7.0 ± 8.5
OWY-23 Lower West Crater (?) 292 ± 39 182 ± 42
120 ± 130
OWY-35 Upper AM-PM 301 ± 24.3 247.6 ± 24.9
179 ± 21
OWY-36 Lower AM-PM 194 ± 27 n/a

Here is a blurb of related text I received from UNLV:

Nevada Isotope Geochronology Laboratory - Sample Descriptions

General Comments:

Isochrons are the most desirable treatment of 40Ar/39Ar data. This is because the isochron actually defines the isotopic composition of the initial argon in the sample (non-radiogenic argon). Ages calculated for an age spectrum are referred to as "apparent ages" because they are calculated assuming the initial argon is atmospheric in composition - thus, if there is excess argon (40Ar/36Ar > 295.5) the age will be overestimated. Isochrons have their measure of reliability, known as the mean square of weighted deviates (MSWD) which is a statistical goodness of fit parameter. If it is greater than a certain value (which changes depending on the number of points, see Wendt and Carl, 1991, the statistical distribution of the mean squared weighted deviation, Chem. Geol., v. 86, p. 275-285) then there is more scatter than can be explained by analytical errors and it is not a statistically valid isochron. If we provide an isochron it means that the statistical test is valid, if not then no valid isochron was obtained. Also, there are issues of number of data points defining the isochron - the more the better. Four points should be considered a bare minimum for statistical reasons, three points is getting to be a real concern. This can be understood simply by considering two points - a perfectly fit straight line can be put through any two points, so completely accidental data can have a perfect line fit. It follows that with three points there is less of a chance of an accidental line fit, but it is still a very real possibility (especially if analytical errors are fairly large), this possibility gets exponentially smaller as the number of points defining the line (isochron) goes up, thus more points = a more reliable isochron.

If there is no isochron, then a plateau age is next in preference. This is because a sample that gives ages which are analytically indistinguishable from step to step is exhibiting what is known as "ideal" behavior, which suggests it has a simple geologic history, e.g., rapid cooling as a basalt lava, followed by no reheating or alteration, both of which may produce disturbed (discordant) age spectra. A reliable plateau is 3 or more consecutive steps which are indistinguishable in age at the 2 sigma level and comprise >50% of the total 39Ar released. The lack of an isochron or a plateau does not mean the sample provides no useful information, but their presence gives greater confidence in the ages obtained and requires less subjective interpretation.

Of course, you must consider that we run samples such as this "blind" in that we do not know the geologic relations of the samples, either when we analyze them, or when we provide these general interpretations. The geologic constraints must always be considered when interpreting isotopic ages; if any discrepancies arise feel free to discuss them with us, as it can in some cases make a difference in how age data are interpreted. All analytical errors are 1σ.

Map of Owyhee Geochronology Samples

Below is a map showing the locations of geochron samples from or related to our project. OSL samples in yellow; Ar-Ar (with results!) in green; Cosmo (with results) in blue; and Champion's p-mag sample sites in red. Rest assured that I will follow-up with some more info about the weakly satisfying Ar-Ar data and tell you what I have learned about it. In the meantime, enjoy the map.

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Landslide Dam References of Interest

Last night, I quickly compiled this reference list. Thought it may spark some interest. Using Zotero and Google Scholar, I put it together in about 15 minutes!

Adams, J. (1981). Earthquake-dammed lakes in New Zealand. Geology, 9(5), 215-219.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Alford, D., Schuster, R. L., & Reduction, I. S. F. D. (2000). Usoi Landslide Dam and Lake Sarez: An Assessment of Hazard and Risk in the Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan. United Nations.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Antognigni, M., & Volpers, R. (2002). A late Pleistocene age for the Chironico rockslide (Central Alps, Ticono, Switzerland). Bull Appl Geol, 7, 113-125.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Bovis, M. J., & Jakob, M. (2000). The July 29, 1998, debris flow and landslide dam at Capricorn Creek, Mount Meager Volcanic Complex, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 37, 1321-1334.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Canuti, P., Frassoni, A., & Natale, L. (1994). Failure of the Rio Paute Landslide Dam. Landslide News International Newsletter, ISSN, 0919-5629.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Ermini, L., & Casagli, N. (2003). Prediction of the behaviour of landslide dams using a geomorphological dimensionless index. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 28(1), 31-47.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Gardner, J. N., Lavine, A., WoldeGabriel, G., Krier, D., Vaniman, D., Caporuscio, F., et al. (1999). Structural Geology of the Northwestern Portion of Los Alamos National Laboratory, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico: Implications for Seismic Surface Rupture Potential from TA-3 to TA-55. LA-13589-MS, Los Alamos National Lab., NM (US).<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Goff, F., Reneau, S., Rogers, M. A., Gardner, J. N., Smith, G., Broxton, D., et al. (1996). Third-day road log, from Los Alamos through the southeastern Jemez Mountains to Cochiti Pueblo and the Rio Grande. The Jemez Mountains Region. New Mexico Geological Society Field Conference Guidebook, 47, 59-97.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Hancox, G. T., & Limited, I. O. G. &. N. S. (1999). Mt Adams Rock Avalanche of 6 October 1999 and the Subsequent Formation and Breaching of a Large Landslide Dam in Poerua River, Westland, New Zealand. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Hancox, G. T., McSaveney, M. J., Manville, V. R., & Davies, T. R. (2005). The October 1999 Mt Adams rock avalanche and subsequent landslide dam-break flood and effects in Poerua River, Westland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 48(4), 683–706.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Hermanns, R. L., Niedermann, S., Ivy-Ochs, S., & Kubik, P. W. (2004). Rock avalanching into a landslide-dammed lake causing multiple dam failure in Las Conchas valley (NW Argentina)—evidence from surface exposure dating and stratigraphic analyses. Landslides, 1(2), 113-122.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Hermanns, R. L., & Strecker, M. R. (1999). Structural and lithological controls on large Quaternary rock avalanches (sturzstroms) in arid northwestern Argentina. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 111(6), 934-948.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Huscroft, C. A., Ward, B. C., Barendregt, R. W., Jackson, L. E., & Opdyke, N. D. (2004). Pleistocene volcanic damming of Yukon River and the maximum age of the Reid Glaciation, west-central Yukon. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 41(2), 151-164.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

King, J., Loveday, I., & Schuster, R. L. (1989). The 1985 Bairaman landslide dam and resulting debris flow, Papua New Guinea. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 22(4), 257.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Korup, O. (2006). Rock-slope failure and the river long profile. Geology, 34(1), 45-48.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Malamud, B. D., Jordan, T. E., Alonso, R. A., Gallardo, E. F., González, R. E., & Kelley, S. A. (1996). Pleistocene Lake Lerma, Salta province, NW Argentina. Congreso Geológico Argentino, 58(1).<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Meyer, W., Schuster, R. L., & Sabol, M. A. (1994). Potential for Seepage Erosion of Landslide Dam. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 120(7), 1211-1229.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Read, S. A. L., Beetham, R. D., & Riley, P. B. (1991). Lake Waikaremoana barrier-A large landslide dam in New Zealand. Landslide News, 54(1), 1.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Recent research on landslide dams - a literature review with special attention to New Zealand. (2002). Retrieved January 9, 2008, from<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Reneau, S. L. (2000). Stream incision and terrace development in Frijoles Canyon, Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, and the influence of lithology and climate. Geomorphology, 32(1-2), 171-193.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Reneau, S. L., & Dethier, D. P. (1996a). Pliocene and Quaternary history of the Rio Grande, White Rock Canyon and vicinity, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook. 47 thField Conference, Jemez Mountains Region, 317-324.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Reneau, S. L., & Dethier, D. P. (1996b). Pliocene and Quaternary history of the Rio Grande, White Rock Canyon and vicinity, New Mexico. Jemez Mountain region: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 47, 317–324.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Reneau, S. L., & Dethier, D. P. (1996). Late Pleistocene landslide-dammed lakes along the Rio Grande, White Rock Canyon, New Mexico. Geol Soc Am Bull, 108(11), 1492-1507.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Sowma-Bawcom, J. A. (1996). Breached landslide dam on the Navarro River. California Geology, 49(5), 120-128.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Trauth, M. H., Alonso, R. A., Haselton, K. R., Hermanns, R. L., & Strecker, M. R. (2000). Climate change and mass movements in the NW Argentine Andes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 179(2), 243-256.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Trauth, M. H., & Strecker, M. R. (1999). Formation of landslide-dammed lakes during a wet period between 40,000 and 25,000 yr BP in northwestern Argentina. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 153(1), 277-287.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Wayne, W. J. (1999). The Alemania rockfall dam: A record of a mid-holocene earthquake and catastrophic flood in northwestern Argentina. Geomorphology, 27(3-4), 295-306.

What the Big Boss said...

I caught up with Mike E. at AGU and asked about the grant supplement to get LiDAR. Here's what I learned:

1. The proposal should be ~5 pgs and has no formal deadline.
2. We should wait till we hear the outcome of Rose's seed proposal, since that should (hopefully) be just a few weeks away, according to Josh R.
3. We should not ask for more than $50k.
4. We need to explain in detail why we want/need the LiDAR, of course (see my posting below). I briefly described three reasons to Mike that we've batted around before: to get the 3-D shape of the valley right for hydrodynamic modeling; to get the distribution of boulder sizes remotely by subtracting bare earth from first returns -- he liked that one, Jim -- and to characterize the wavelengths of mass movements that are impinging on the channel, as this will affect the scale of potential blockages and therefore probably flood character as well. He judged these to be reasonable justifications at first pass, but we will have to substantiate the case in detail. In particular, I think we really need to demonstrate the nature and magnitude of the improvement we get in the hydrodynamic modeling if we use LiDAR rather than the 10 m DEMs. Can we feasibly try this with the Deschutes LiDAR (which Jim has) as a demonstration? Rose, what say ye? If the effects are not great relative to other sources of uncertainty in the modeling, then I think our case is weakened significantly.

5. We need to explain WHY FUNDING FOR LIDAR WAS NOT INCLUDED IN THE ORIGINAL REQUEST. I want your input on this last matter in particular. Some of the reasons for the original omission, though perhaps ultimately the most truthful, are not going to sound very persuasive in a proposal (e.g., we thought it would inflate the budget too much, or we didn't realize how much damn work all the manual surveying would be, etc.). So, let's hear some wordsmithing. Ready, set, go.

Supplemental grant proposal to get LiDAR

Gang -- I'm going to follow up w/Mike Ellis on what exactly he'd like to see in a supplemental grant proposal to get LiDAR for our study reach on the Owyhee. I'd like to be armed w/a clear sense of what we want LiDAR for and w/information about the size, shape, and therefore approximate cost of the data. We have discussed the former a bit -- e.g., when Kyle was visiting Portland a couple of weeks ago -- but I'd like to solicit broader input on this matter, as the justification will be crucial. I think we need to show that LiDAR will give us essential data that we can't reasonably get any other way. As for the size of the area we want flown, I'd like to hear what you folks think. I don't know what the limitations are in terms of shape (how complex can the corridor polygon be?), but we'll probably have to do some iterating on the polygon we're going to request. My intuition is that requests larger than about $60k might raise some alarm, so we need to be judicious. Does anyone else have a sense of what constitutes a reasonable request for a grant supplement? I also asked Josh Roering (who is on the NCALM committee) when Rose will hear about the student seed project she proposed. Please post your thoughts on LiDAR justification and desired coverage here.

New Mapping Tool--Enforced Involvement?

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Google maps just introduced a terrain mode which is a nice way to visualize the regional setting of a map. More importantly, they also just introduced:

1. Collaborative mapping
2. kml file importation capability.

Improvement 1 allows for multiple users to edit a common, online map. The one I have included shows some key photos along the river that are useful in developing the geologic map in the office. Now that a map can be collaboratively shared, any invited mapper can post photos that they think are particularly useful for visualizing geology. In the Owyhee example, I am interested in a set of photos spread out along the entire length of the study reach (and beyond, if appropriate). All it requires is a very short amount of time to become familiar with the interface and a set of photos available somewhere online. I use Picasa Online Albums, but any program should work.

Improvement 2 allows for direct integration of data generated using Google Earth into a collaborative map. It has been possible to export kmls for some time from Google Maps, but importing has been missing. This is a huge leap.

Eventually, I will be inviting all Yeehows to post some photos that they think will help me compile the map. Please try to participate.

Mapping landslides in the study reach

Here's a question to follow up on some discussion we had during Kyle's recent visit to Portland. Jim suggested that it would be useful to map large, coherent chunks of failed material (when they are clearly distinguishable) within the landslide boundaries. These would be mapped as bits of the parent lithology (e.g., West Crater flow or whatnot). The advantage of this approach is that it retains some of the information about rocktypes involved in landsliding that is surrendered when landslides are simply mapped as "Qls." My question is, how can/should we distinguish on the map between failed material and bits of in situ material that poke out within a landslide complex?